Tugas minggu ke 2 (kejadian transaksi di kehidupan sehari hari) incident transactions in daily life


in this picture I will show a work, which has been created by human power. which meets the needs of every human and facilities that pamper the eyes.

taken from several locations, and in photos using mobile phones

1 ) big city trench market Pontianak


in this place often occurs buying and selling of goods between traders and buyers, Enchantment Market Parit Besar faded with the loss of memories of attractions that entertain the people of Pontianak City. This is exacerbated by the market design that is designed lined back to the river. People who pass through the market do not feel the sensation of riverside area, because the public orientation towards the river is covered by the building. Pontianak City as the Capital of West Kalimantan Province, famous for Equatorial City, the name is carried because it is located right on the Equator line. Not only the City of the Equator, history records the city of Pontianak has another nickname, namely "City of Thousand Ditches". Since the establishment of the city of Pontianak in 1771, the source of water in the form of rivers and moats is a highly considered element in every aspect of urban life. The history of the city notes that the existence of rivers and moats is a decisive element of city life.   


di tempat ini sering terjadi transaksi jual beli barang antara pedagang dan pembeli , Pesona Pasar Parit Besar semakin pudar dengan hilangnya kenangan akan atraksi-atraksi yang menghibur masyarakat Kota Pontianak. Hal ini diperparah dengan desain pasar yang dirancang berderet membelakangi sungai. Masyarakat yang melalui pasar tersebut tidak merasakan sensasi kawasan tepian sungai, karena orientasi publik ke arah sungai tertutup oleh bangunan.Kota Pontianak sebagai Ibukota Propinsi Kalimantan Barat, terkenal dengan Kota Khatulistiwa, nama tersebut disandang karena letaknya tepat di garis Khatulistiwa. Tidak hanya Kota Khatulistiwa, sejarah mencatat Kota Pontianak memiliki julukan lain, yaitu “Kota Seribu Parit”. Sejak berdirinya kota Pontianak tahun 1771, sumber air berupa sungai dan parit merupakan unsur yang sangat dipertimbangkan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan masyarakat kota. Sejarah kota mencatat bahwa keberadaan sungai dan parit merupakan unsur penentu kehidupan kota.




Pura as the center of Hindu religious activities in Pontianak is good activity of Purnama - Tilem worship, rerahinan, as well as great feast such as Hari Raya Nyepi, Hari Raya Galungan and Kuningan, Siwaratri, Saraswati, Pagerwesi.


Pura sebagai pusat kegiatan keagamaan umat Hindu di Pontianak ini baik kegiatan persembahyangan Purnama - Tilem, rerahinan , maupun hari Raya besar seperti Hari Raya Nyepi, Hari Raya Galungan dan Kuningan, Siwaratri, Saraswati, Pagerwesi.

3.Patung kuda

Location :Jl. Ahmad Yani KM 19, Kubu  Raya


this horse statue is located on ayani street, if you want to airport definitely see the statue. with a beautiful texture likens a real life inside.


patung kuda ini terletak di jalan ayani , jika kalian ingin ke bandara pasti melihat patung tersebut . dengan tekstur yang indah mengibaratkan ada kehidupan yang nyata di dalam nya .



we often encounter on the streets, a lot of motorists violate traffic regulations resulting in loss of life or road accidents. in our city is enough with strict traffic regulations, especially in the upcoming 2018 will be in orderly ticket through CCTV.

note: do not violate traffic rules, care about your life, and think of the family that awaits you at home.


sering kita jumpai di jalanan , banyak sekali pengendara melanggar peraturan lalu lintas yang mengakibatkan kehilangan nyawa atau pun kecelakaan jalan raya  . di kota kita sudah cukup dengan peraturan lalu lintas yang ketat , apalagi di tahun 2018 yang akan datang akan di tertibkan tilang melalui CCTV .

catatan : janganlah kalian melanggar peraturan lalu lintas , sayangi nyawa anda , dan fikirkan lah keluarga yang menanti anda dirumah .
